Martha Street Art Night
Martha Street Art Night was designed to create space where all people can come share their art with others and connect with creatives from the diverse cultural city of San Jose. Specifically, Martha Street aims to be an inclusive and opportunistic space for the groups that are typically marginalized in the art world (e.g. BBIPOC, women, LGBTQ+ community, and those who have never received a formal arts education).

Community Kick Back Shirt Design
Martha Street Art Night, commissioned me to design a T-Shirt for their event. The event was called "Community Kick Back," where artists from around the Bay Area showcased their artwork at Empire 7 Studios. The design had to represent the community, setting the tone for their "Community Kick Back" event.
Incorporating the elements needed for the design, I illustrated multiple people in a community setting representing a third space for art. I decided to use negative space in an oval shape for the center subject. Surrounding it, I decided to add the title of the event "Community Kick Back" so visitors and artists had a commemorative item.
Sold at Empire 7 the night of Community Kick Back event
Represented Martha Street's vision and mission for art 3rd spaces
Design was utilized for marketing event itself on instagram

note: click on an image